The decline of law in developing countries is the result of negative contributions by upholders of the law who do not sustain the idealism, integrity and morality of the law. Not daring to counteract public opinion when endeavoring to uphold the truth has become a tradition among the upholders of the law, including among those of lawyers. It is at moments like this that the appearance of a courageous law office is required, which dares to countervail and even correct prevailing public opinion so that truth is revealed.
The higher a society’s educational level, the higher the awareness of the importance of law and order in day to day matters. It is not only middle and high society persons who are aware of this, but even the lower classes are now conscious of this. Expressions such as: “talk to my lawyer” or “I have to consult my attorney” are now commonly used in society. This results in more lawyers being needed, producing a plethora of law offices, particularly in big cities.
The knowledge and experience of Law Office Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates have become a very valuable asset for Clients. That I, Eduardo H.H. Sitompoel, S.H. with Zacky Syarif, S.H. we are believes that law enforcement has to be continuously performed.
Looking ahead, we are certain that the idealism, integrity and morality that we uphold will always produce an exceptional impression for our Clients and will also find a place in society.
Law Office Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates has a vision of the implementation of the rule of law in Indonesia, and provides the best service to Clients.
Law Office Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates has a mission to practice profession full of idealism, integrity and morality during all conditions and challenges.
Our experience has also enabled the Law Office of Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates to understand the complications of law and justice in Indonesia. It is this experience which has enabled the Law Office of Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates to have good connections with government departments, institutions and other government offices, and thereby ease communication with the officials therein.
The varied backgrounds of lawyers at Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates have become our asset. This variety is also reflected in the varied law specialization backgrounds. This enables us to provide a widely varied scope of legal services to Clients.
Finally, our lawyers’ diligence and profound knowledge of the law has become the most valuable resource for Eduardo Sitompoel & Associates. We believe that law is not static, and therefore we have to move forward, so that we can fulfill our Clients’ satisfaction.